Personal Energy Analysis

Personal Feng Shui Positive & Negative Directions

Feng Shui Personal Energy Matrix Example
Each person has a specific personal feng shui energy matrix that is based on their birthdate. Using the Ba Zhai school of practice called 24 Mountains, we analyze, calculate and guide our clients in facing their positive Feng Shui directions and avoid their negative Feng Shui directions. A Lou Pan compass (also known as a Feng Shui compass) is used to accurately calculate a person’s positive and negative directions. Dividing a compass 360 degrees into 24 equal parts makes 15 degrees for each sector which could be certain types of positive or negative Feng Shui directions. Using your birth month/day/year, we will calculate your personal energy matrix similar to the sample on the right. Every 15 degree sector can be either one of the following types of energy:

Feng Shui Lou Pan Compass
Good Energy Directions:

  • +90 = Good Wealth
  • +80 = Good Health
  • +70 = Good Relationships
  • +60 = Stability or Good Education

Bad Energy Directions:

  • -90 = Total Loss (Very Bad)
  • -80 = Bad Relationships
  • -70 = Bad Health
  • -60 = Minor Mishaps and Problems

We also take into account the Annual Timing Influences which may cause problems for even your good energy directions for the current or upcoming lunar year.

Contact us for a FREE Assessment of your Feng Shui needs conducted over the phone.